

What does the word inspiration mean? I look at the word and break it into two parts: “in” and “Spirit.” To live an inspired life, then, means to be “in Spirit” all the time – to be in tune with the magnificent presence of the Higher Self within you. Where in effect, the mind is open to everything and attached to nothing. We are all derived from an organizing intelligence no matter what religion, nationality, or belief system, that divine spark resides within everyone even if the person is not currently aware of it.

Therefore, this organizing intelligence is the place from which we all derive inspiration – in -spirit. An inspired life is finding a way to live in harmony with the divine intelligence with every thought you have. To live at all times in spirit and feeling yourself when you are disconnected from spirit. The key is being in touch with that divine source within which is an inspiration. Living day in and day out, watching every thought and knowing that you have left spirit when you have a thought that does not include everyone – when you become ego-centered (Edging-God-Out}

Being inspired is about changing awareness of yourself as being limited, having no luck, things never working out, etc. into realizing that you are unlimited and have the potential to create whatever you truly desire if it is in alignment with the divine within. Whatever the mind of man can conceive, the mind of mind man can create. You are a perfect creation of the Divine. There is absolutely nothing that you cannot create. Have a knowing that you can create and attract to yourself anything you need to create your desires. `

Living an inspired life is realizing that you came from a divine source – you are a piece of this divinity, an expression of unlimited potential. In truth, you are like what you came from – we are pieces of the divine. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience. A drop of the ocean is not the ocean, but the small drop has the same qualities and essence. the ocean. Since the source from which we came is love, peace, abundance, unlimited, perfect health, we also have these inherent qualities in us as humans. It is actually an insult from which you came to think anything less.

We came into existence from divinity but somehow got separated from our source and developed an ego. We began to follow the herd and to identify with accumulating things. Quiet your mind, meditate and get back in touch with your Higher Self.

When you are inspired, you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever imagined. Realize that your thoughts are energy. It’s all about what kind of thoughts and feelings we offer up to achieve our desires which are aligned with Spirit. 



  1. आत्मा ही उस दिव्य स्त्रोत की कुंजी है।
    अत्यन्त ही गहराई से लिखा गया लेख, धन्यवाद।

  2. With soul and intellect, the ocean of thoughts can be turned towards God.

  3. This was an excellent article on the "HIGHER POWER" to mankind and for everyone to stop and think of all they have and can share with mankind through kindness, love, compassion and kind words to brighten someones day. The message I take away from this is "DON't BE SO CONSUMED WITHIN YOURSELF"" " "RECOGNIZE THAT THERE IS A DIVINE HIGHER POWER WHO NOT ONLY LOVES YOU, BUT IS WITH YOU DAILY"". Your inspiration is within you and your capabilities are limitless if you apply yourself to the task at hand and trust in the HIGHER POWER to GUIDE YOU TO SUCCESS!!!


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