
  Are we know about us who we are? The first thing that comes to our mind is that we are human beings. Yes, we are human beings with unlimited potential. Just like the principle of Cherry, Plum, Peach, and Damson. They all have their own unique qualities and blossom in their own unique way. 
Once I saw a tiny flower in between two rock stones, it bloomed with all its might. This flower doesn't waste time hoping for good circumstances; instead, it blossoms naturally in a uniquely special way, which gives it the beauty of a tiny flower. 
We are here to live our lives in our own unique way, with ease, peace, and happiness in every moment.

 We attempt to define ourselves, yet no adequate words exist to describe the complexity of who we are. We can describe what we look like, the type of work we do, our ethnic heritage, or gender. Yet that comes nowhere near the truth of what animates your being. You are a mystery. You are magic. Just try to find this magic within us,  start to unfold this mystery now. Find all the hidden gems we hold within.

Historians, philosophers, scientists, and theologians have been searching for the origins and meaning of existence since the beginning of time. Various religions have been born out of an attempt to define the indefinable. We often engage in the endless pursuit to define who, what, and why we are. We measure ourselves against others and their accomplishments. There is an ongoing quest to explain the unexplainable.

You are always developing into who you are. You are amazing beyond words. You are constantly being changed. When you first open your eyes in the morning, a new journey begins. The decisions you make shape and reshape "who" you are. You are a mysterious, undefinable being.

 Do you still remember this? Have you given up your magic to the world? You build each time you're given an idea or complete a task! from cooking food for your family to creating art. Every action you take gives the concept of "you" a new facet. By acknowledging that life is a mystery, you may better understand it and merge into a single with it. 

Think back and remember the last time you were really “in tune” with something you wanted to accomplish. Remember how easy and enjoyable it was to put together all the pieces of the puzzle to create the final outcome? You were not anxious or the least bit concerned about what other people were thinking or doing. You were one with the energy of your creation. That same dynamic is possible in all aspects of your life. By becoming one with the magical energy of who you are, you create. You can also create your own limitations by putting up walls of fear and inadequacy. 
Embrace your power; consider what you create each and every day. If you can put together the ingredients to make an apple pie, you can use the same recipe to create anything else you desire. Create a recipe that works for you. Be in harmony with the energy of what you want to bring into your life. If you have made several attempts with no apparent success- try another way. "Because failure is feedback". Add or remove something from the recipe. Be in tune with the Universal force of magic.
Where is your energy at this moment? Are you focusing on life-affirming activities or caught up with what someone else is doing or not doing? Is your energy directed on how to get someone else to change or do what you want him or her to do? What is the topic of most of your conversations? Think about the last conversation you had- were you sharing hopes, dreams, and ideas, or were you complaining about how things are not going the way you want them to? 

We devote a significant portion of our words, thoughts, and energy to the world around us. You reclaim the power that is lost on things you can't control by realizing that you are a strong, magical entity. You have no power over the thoughts or behaviors of other people. It is your decision to continue being a part of their lives if someone is in your life and is upsetting you. You have a choice to change the circumstance if you are unhappy with it. 
You are not your past. You are not what someone did to you or what was taken from you. The events and people in your life have served to shape “who” you are at this moment. The events of today will further hone who you are tomorrow- and so on…

To become a truly empowered being, you have to reach down into the magical place inside of you and utilize your own power. It is not important what your spiritual or theological beliefs are. What is important is that you understand the fact that you are a creator. What do you want to create? Peace, harmony, and joy, or chaos and drama? Are you always feeling angry and frustrated? Being angry or frustrated is only beneficial if it serves to steer you in another direction. 
Conflict can be an incredible catalyst for change if you use the energy to move. Choose to take a different path or look at things from a different perspective. It does not matter how you do it, the important thing is that you get into a place that you want to be.

You are "magical" because of who you are. Never let anything weaken or constrain your personal power. It takes time to let your true self develop and blossom. When you dive into the mystery and transform into the person you want to be, magic happens. In order to manifest magic, you must first be magic. Do not try to define "you" since you cannot do it justice, just as you cannot accurately define the mystery of existence. Accept the unexplored facets of your identity. Set out on a path to uncover the mystery that lives within you. You are magical if you are able to define yourself.

So this is the time to connect your mystery with mystic law (CAUSE AND EFFECT) change your internal representation through changing your thoughts and building your beautiful map of the world no matter what the situation is, and rewrite your destiny(future) through the pen of your thoughts. This is the time to lead your life with your inherent treasure, hidden magical power. So let us start going deep down and find our gems(qualities). 
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  1. I didn't think this message was so much about magic as more to making the point, of be TRUE TO YOURSELF!!! In this same vein of thought I wrote a book called "THE QUEST" to examine all my good and bad points from early life to adulthood. I explore all my actions taking, the results from these action and the replications from these actions. In this way it was a way to understand oneself much better, to analysis and process these actions and whether they were beneficial or not!!! I think looking inwards of yourself is the best MAGIC of all as you are examining yourself and can evaluate and learn along the way and develop into a better person as the hopeful end result!!!
    Stephen Paul Tolmie

  2. Truly motivated article for me, Which is capable of uncovering the secrets and adventures hidden inside you.


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