SOUL FACIAL-Start Transformation within

Someone asked me- Do we manage our inner state under any circumstances? In any situation, how can we manage our inner state or mindset?

I responded that to manage our inner state or mindset, we must control and master our minds. But, that persone was asked me, how do we master our minds then?

"We all know about facials," I explained. And although I don't wear makeup every day, we're all used to it. But I understand the process, which is why I'm attempting to explain it to you now.

It is a sequential procedure. When we go to parlors for facial, they perform certain procedures to make our skin more shiny and bright. We follow the same steps and conduct soul facials here as well.

When we begin a facial, we must first determine our skin type and then our sensitivity. The procedure is the same, but the ingredients vary depending on the skin type. The soul-facial process is the same, but our inner darkness and values are unique, and only we know so much about ourselves. Please use ingredients that are appropriate for your type. Here we begin the soul facial with our own ingredients that we all have within us.


We cleanse our faces with cleansing milk or face wash, but this cleanser is CHANT and MEDITATION for our souls.Cleanse your heart to connect with God and purify yourself. Chant and Meditation are tools to connect with God- our soul purifier. 

We require ingredients such as self-love, self-respect, self-awareness, courage, wisdom, compassion, a major human revolution, and others based on our personality type. So that we can purify our soul. And during this procedure, we should remove our fundamental darkness (selfishness, insecurity, doubts, fear, anxiety, complaints, Cribbs, and many more...) as we would scars, dead skin, pigmentation, acne, and some other skin imperfections.

If we do not replace negativity with positivity then it's hollow or empty within. And we all know that weeds never need to take effort to grow, negativity comes easily in our life. Still, for positive thoughts, we meditate and make an effort to empower ourselves, raise our qualities to polish through chant, and meditation, follow some correct teaching, make our human revolution and cleanse our hearts, find the root cause of our problems and remove them slowly and gradually. As we remove dead skin and dirt from our external skin and brighten more. We will remove our fundamental root causes and shine more from within.

Now we are feeling good and want to be completing the process, so the next step is 


For the face, we use a rough scrubber that rubs and removes deep-rooted blackheads, and dead skin through certain massages.

The same method is used to remove our deep-rooted darkness, our negativities. Similarly, in this process, we remove those limiting beliefs and negative tendencies that are deeply embedded and repeatedly troubling us, by becoming aware of, simply acknowledging, and removing them through any process such as meditation, chanting certain philosophy true teachings, and doing our human revolution. But, as we now know, a specific massage in a specific direction is necessary for scrubbing, as well as a certain discipline, with consistency, which we call 'Dinacharya'or daily routine is needed.

"Guys, every second counts."Every moment, we have the option to use or end up wasting it This is what I've learned so far from my experience.

It will take some time to complete the process and remove the dust from our hearts that merges our innate potential and clouds our qualities from shining, and then we will move on to the next process, which is moisturizing, where we will massage with a gentle lotion to nourish our skin and create it shine more. 


We have many inherent qualities or potentials; all we need to do is practice them in our daily lives or routine, which we know already as dincharya. After moisturizing our skin is started glowing, likewise we must nourish our soul with God's love, friends or mentors support, which we refer to as 'Satsang' which means stay with good people daily.

We filled our cups, or inner selves, to shine brighter, and lit the light to guide others in the correct direction. We need nourishing cream or a specific type of cream based on our skin type for moisturizing; likewise, in the soul facial process, we need to follow the right ideology, mentor, and guidance, motivation, and meditation on a daily basis for our types or requirements until it develops into a habit or secondary nature to nurture ourselves and then others. It works when we nurture before offering to others. So, if we fill our cups and then give, we seem to be satisfied internally; however, if we are empty and try to give to others, we are not satisfied, feeling drained, and others are also unsatisfied.

If we want to fill ourselves first, we should keep in touch with a mentor and seek guidance, then follow some strict routines, make a habit of discipline ourselves, then learn, grow, and glow, and finally- 
The fourth step in the facial process is the face pack.

 Someone has asked why we're using this pack and going through this process. So, after a lot of learning and great insights from using this soul facial, I came up with my solution: we locked our glow through nourishment we already achieved prior to this step.

    4- Face Pack-

 So, if I want that glow to last for a few days or weeks, I need to bind it within the skin. 
This soul pack is very different in terms of solution, and the ingredients are -

1-Determination-to be determined and follow our mentor.

2-Be with you exactly as you are- this refers to your uniqueness.

3-Attitude- characterized by strong thoughts, words, and actions.

4-Taking courageous action

5-Initially, consistency should be maintained in small steps.

6-Being present means appreciating the time we have right now.

When we combine all of these ingredients in the proper proportions, we get the longest-lasting and best version of ourselves.

πŸ’πŸ»‍♀️As a result, we must often repeat or go through this process when it's requires, when we lose our shine ✨.


Transformation of our destiny

Karma works


Create Imagination

NO GOD ----!!!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE ????

Passion To-- Move Forward

The Attitude Of Gratitude



Law Of Attraction