So let's begin --

Our thoughts, emotions, and feelings act as a powerful magnet, attracting circumstances into our lives. Whether these circumstances are positive or negative, is completely dependent on how we think!

This is the sixth of seven articles in our continuing series covering the core seven Universal Laws. The focus of this article is the sixth Law – the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction says that we attract into our lives, that upon which we place our dominant thoughts. In other words, if we focus predominantly on abundance, solutions, and positive outcomes then that is exactly what we will attract back into our lives. Nice!

There is a dangerous flip side to this law, however – if we focus on lack, problems, and negative outcomes, then that is exactly what we will attract.

“We become what we think about most of the time!”

This ‘secret’ aligns perfectly with the Law of Attraction and acts as a constant reminder that we must learn to control our thoughts. Truthfully, our own thoughts are the only things in life over which we have complete control. The challenge is to keep them in control and not let them run rampant with negativity.

For an example of the power of the Law of Attraction, you need to look no further than your own life. Have you ever had one of those days, where everything seems to go wrong? From the cold shower to the burnt toast to the traffic ticket on the way to the office, to the grouchy boss, to the difficult customer, we have all experienced those days. It all starts with the way we think. Our thought patterns attract the first negative experience. This experience then puts us in a negative frame of mind which works to attract further “bad” situations. The more we focus on the “bad day” we are having, the worse things get!

The solution is to change our frame of reference. Take the negative emotions and change them to be either positive or at least neutral. Look for the lesson in every situation. Learning to laugh at ourselves is another great way to change our reference point. If we break the cycle of negativity, things will begin to turn around almost immediately.

What You Can Do

There are two things that you can start doing immediately that will help you to harness the awesome power of the Law of Attraction:

1. Ask yourself the question: “Do I focus on Lack or Abundance (or stated another way, ‘Am I problem-focused or solution-focused”)? If you answered, ‘Lack / Problems’ then set out to immediately change your frame of reference. Change your habits and thought patterns to be more positive and solution-focused.

2. Take full responsibility for whatever is happening in your life, be it good or bad. You have attracted the good and the bad, so taking responsibility will allow you to choose to change your thinking.

Positive thinking on its own will not solve all of your problems, however, it is one of a series of things that we all have the power to implement which will get us on the path to leading the life we want.



Transformation of our destiny

SOUL FACIAL-Start Transformation within

Karma works


Create Imagination

NO GOD ----!!!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE ????

Passion To-- Move Forward

The Attitude Of Gratitude



Law Of Attraction