Manifestation = Personal Growth

manifestation is the result of your thoughts. Sounds simple if you are already a manifestation student but do you really believe it and live by it. What we focus on expands, so what are you manifesting? Why not stop and think about it, what you are manifesting right now. How do you feel about what you are manifesting and do you feel like it is your creation? You may have some doubts about this but you are already an expert at manifesting? Just look at everything around you and all the experiences that you have been having. If we can move forward from that belief that we are already creating the things that are in front of us, we can also think that it is possible to change what we are manifesting. So if the manifestation is a given, then how do we change what we are manifesting. Focus on what you want: Focus on the feelings of what you want and feel positive about it, positive about having it, and feel good in your body and emotions. The opposite of this is to focus on not having...