To Become Genius

😊Who is genius? How we will become geniuses? As we know that we all possess the same potential but we don't use our potential or power in the same manner. The 7 Keys To Your Creative Genius ----- Here are 7 ways you can instantly access your natural creativity and create anything you like. 1.) Think Like A Child. As adults, we tend to think in a conditioned way aimed at showing how clever we are. Yet, as children, we were simply spontaneous and far more creative in our thinking. To re-capture your childhood curiosity, allow yourself to just wonder at things, to be completely present in the here and now, and to detach yourself from what you thought was real. 2.) Make New Connections. To be innovative doesn’t require a university degree; it simply requires making a connection between existing ideas. For instance, did you know that ice cream was invented in 2000 BC yet it took another 3900 years for someone to come up with the idea of a cone? It’s when you take two seemingly unrelate...